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Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Soul Day Marathon

Not a fast time.....we had just got back from hols but the opportunity to do a Thursday marathon? Well why not. Down near Dover on Samphire Hoe this was a small affair with 150 runners. I wanted to enjoy the morning and by 12 the temperature was up to 28 according to the weather, but 31 on the car. I do like some of Traviss Wilcox' races. This was friendly affair and with bright light glistening off the sea bundled along in about 1.45 for the first half. A few chats with other runners including the amazing Ollie running his first ever long race. Overheating was an issue for many and quite early on, people were dropping like flies. I moved into 4th place, although this was not a competitive race with toned and honed marathoners, I held that for the rest of the race, despite having 2 x 5 min stops at the CP to cool down and hydrate.

Not competitive, but a fun day out. Just what I needed to cheer me up after an awful last race. A gentle long slow run in just a bit over 4 hours. Marathon #75 done.

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