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Friday, 31 December 2010

Yearly Stats

It is that time of year when I lament about the successes of 2010 and areas for development for 2011. A broken leg has cut my year short and is 46 weeks in total. 2010 was my best year running. Not the fastest, but the longest:

Here are my Stats for 2010. I won't run again like this until 2012. My last run was November 30th so I have a month missing!

Total miles run: 1901.1
Max mileage month: 296.8 (august)
Lowest mileage month: 66.0 (feb)
Max weekly mileage: 109.49
Average weekly mileage: 41.32 (based on 46 weeks)
PBs: 0
Races: 5 Ultras, 4 marathons, 2 14 miles stages of a relay, 1 half, 2 10k, 1 5 mile, 3 club XC.
Marathons completed to date: 18

Best moments; Ridgway UK ultra champs: CP3-5 and the last 3 miles, last 8 miles of South Downs Marathon, last 13 miles of Neolithic Marathon.

2011 will not be the same. 2008 was about PBs: 5k, 5mile, 10k. 2009 was about getting longer (PBs half, marathon) and 2010 was about going long. 2011 will be about learning to walk, something I had taken for granted for 35 years. Then, with some leg brace support, learning to run. Hopefully I will get back to the club and start to run with a slow group. My goal was to get to 20 marathons this year, somthing I missed. Will I be able to run a marathon in 2011? Here's to hoping and running again. Happy New Year!

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